Saturday, January 11, 2014

Can You Have Too Many Books?

I have many interests but two main hobbies dominate my free time - sewing and gardening, in that order. Like many who indulge in their pastimes, I also like to read about it as well. I have a collection of gardening books that most horticulturists would envy and my collection of sewing books, although much more modest in number, is growing all the time. How-to-books on a subject that interests you are old friends that you will return to many, many times. My favourite sewing magazine, Threads, has published a very comprehensive list of sewing books for every aspect of garment sewing. For those of you who sew for dolls (or for yourself) you may find just the inspiration you need to tackle a project that you have been wary of trying before. I know I often do.

Check out GREAT BOOKS as compiled by Threads Magazine.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Chinoiserie Red Moon (or a Holy Grail Comes Home)

I finally found one of my long sought-after Silkstones on Ebay. Naturally, when she was offered everywhere at give-away prices, I kept thinking I’d get around to buying her someday. Then, recently, I happened to see a photo of her and realized that I still thought she was gorgeous. Time to get serious! I checked around on Ebay and was amazed at how her price had skyrocketed over time and, coupled with Ebay’s new shipping policy of charging import duties, she was definitely now out of my price comfort zone. But, luckily, I found one for sale right here in my own country (no import duties) and here she is!